Busy Bees Baby Sitting
If you have younger children in Arizona, you have heard of Busy Bees Babysitting! They are often referred to as the “Uber of Babysitting” where they connect personally vetted babysitters with thousands of personally recommended families, so your time away feels like a gift to you and your kids. As you can imagine, their business requires the highest attention to detail around the clock. Busy Bees had little time to shift their focus on creating a new app, increasing operating efficiencies, and operating their thriving expanding business all at once. Like many entrepreneurs and business owners, while their business was thriving from success, their executive team was nearly surviving from the personal and professional demand of matching pace with thousands of jobs per week. We guided them from ‘surviving to thriving’ as business owners while creating tools to support the rapid growth they experienced while increasing their attention to detail all at the same time. From the new app, user flow, and cultural onboarding videos, we are thankful to BEE as a part of the start-to-finish Busy Bees Babysitting experience!
Jesse Flocken
2162 E Williams Field Rd Suite #111
Gilbert, AZ 85295